lucked out / lʌk /


lucked out2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities: With my luck I'll probably get pneumonia.
  2. good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the result of chance: He had no luck finding work.
  3. a combination of circumstances, events, etc., operating by chance to bring good or ill to a person: She's had nothing but bad luck all year.
  4. some object on which good fortune is supposed to depend: This rabbit's foot is my luck.
v. 动词组 verb


  1. luck into / onto to meet, acquire, become, etc., by good luck: She lucked into a great job.
  2. luck out, to have an instance or run of exceptionally good luck: He lucked out when he made a hole in one during the tournament.
  3. luck upon, to come across by chance: to luck upon a profitable investment.

lucked out 近义词

lucked out

等同于 fortune

lucked out

等同于 prevail

lucked out

等同于 score

lucked out构成的短语

  • luck into
  • luck of the devil
  • luck of the draw
  • luck out
  • as luck would have it
  • beginner's luck
  • down on one's luck
  • good luck
  • hard luck
  • in luck
  • out of luck
  • push one's luck
  • run of luck
  • take pot luck
  • tough break (luck)
  • try one's hand (luck)

更多lucked out例句

  1. In part, it’s just bad luck that the United States is being slammed with these events back-to-back-to-back.
  2. The NBA draft lottery isn’t all about luck — teams tank for a reason, of course — but the bouncing pingpong balls do play a big role.
  3. The next point on the luck end of the spectrum was the stock market.
  4. The most you can do is put yourself in the path of luck—but to think you can guess with certainty the actual outcome is a presumptuousness the true poker player foregoes.
  5. So stats achieved before they can stabilize are mostly the result of luck.
  6. And good luck getting the song (and music video) to “Chandelier” out of your head.
  7. The Horse You Came in On Saloon, Baltimore Horse-themed bars must be bad luck for famous authors.
  8. Wearing the right foot of a chicken was considered good luck.
  9. But good luck convincing other countries that the case against North Korea is airtight.
  10. The story follows a down on his luck family man named Bill Scanlon (Wes Bentley), who takes to stealing after losing his job.
  11. G was a gamester, who had but ill-luck; H was a Hunter, who hunted a buck.
  12. I wouldn't go on if I were you, sir; the luck's dead against you to-night; I wouldn't go on, indeed I wouldn't.
  13. Then my luck changed and I found myself under one of the very greatest teachers of his time, Professor Huxley.
  14. By bad luck d'Amade was away, up in the front trenches, and I could not well deliver myself to des Coigns.
  15. Well, we must try our luck with a regulation sabre; they can't well refuse it; ours is the stronger and bigger man.